Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Entry #7 Mirrors of Resolution

As all good things that begin, ultimately it has an ending. Looking back on my blog I had seen triumphs and failures but the battle was never at its end, until this entry. I may have won the battle within this class of ENG 101 but the war never ceases when writing is concern.

Taking a look back to the prelude of my blog, I was very over whelmed by the grading expectations. With my past experiences with ENG 091 we only had to write a post and poof done. Not much really went into writing expect it being a some what professional blog. The rhetoric was seemingly not involved. Yet with the advancement of moving to ENG 101 our blogs needed more of a substance that 091 lacked. Hence the concern of the expectations. Even though more things had to be added into our blog, I felt it made me feel that it was worth more than just some dinky assignment that the professor makes us do. It made me feel that I am truly a blogger, in essence an author in this world full of individuals with thoughts and emotions.

The class had four main grading periods for our blog assignments. During the first period was a tough time for me because not only did we have the first post being an instructor lead topic but we also had to choose our second topic. This is where the emotion of being a blogger in itself was born. After reading some elated classmates posts, I began to wonder what will I write about? That was when I realized writing something that was near or even similar to the first entry would suffice.

Grading period two was a little more intrusive than the first. The main topic point was no where near the first period topic. I had to view this new topic in a different means. One that I couldn't help but wonder if it was more towards writing or writing for my audience. After a long couple hours I was finally able to finish my post. Then it hit me! Everything that Prof. Nielson was talking about in class was true. That the rhetoric was a huge part in the inter-workings of being a blogger or even so an author.

Once we moved closer to writing project three, our instructor lead blog was very similar to what was needed to be written for our essay. This in fact help strengthen what was needed for both the blog and essay. Writing in general for the blog helped me understand how to take a view point and move from there. While the first post of the period was about the movie we had watched in class, I noticed that the students had went with a more linear way to post. But, I found my wings were itching to soar.

Now, we came to these final moments of my blog or one would say grading period. The true intentions of the blog experiment can be said in so many different ways. My own view, is like writing your name on a piece of paper as so does everyone else in the class, and putting it in a hat waiting for it to be pulled. But, that piece of paper is our blog and our name is what we write. Our identity, the soul of who we are. The hat is the expanse of the World Wide Web and its infinite wonders with all its ones and zeros in this cyber landscape.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Entry #6 Grim's Wrath within a Somber Inhale

Let's take a scroll to a time when life was simple. Where the man of the house hold would go to work from nine to five, while the wife kept the house clean and neat. As the kids all played outside and made a mess of the neighborhood. Some would say that it was such a sexiest time period of American history. Although that may be true that isn't what I want to discuss, the major problem of this era of our history was the fight of our lives. When I look back at this time I remember movies of house wives siting at there dinning room smoking cigarettes. The long stem full of rich tobacco, but over the year these tobacco leaves were filled with chemicals.

Their toxicity began to grow to such levels where no one knew what it's true danger was. After many deaths and research we learn a couple things about cigarettes, it's addicting and it kills. Keeping in mind that it does these two things, over the generations we were taught it was "cool" to smoke. That you were in the "in crowd" unless you smoke with your friends. Peer pressure had a majority of one generation smoking. Yet those implications didn't stop there, over year of research the population began a fight which they eventually won. It was a long journey that left some in the grave. Or worst a hole in their throat.

I can remember in the early thousands a movie called Thank You for Smoking came out. It's contents explored the world of corporations forcing the youth through product placement to smoke. Filled with facts and fiction about the myths of smoking. I was left with one single thought. Why did I fall for the peer pressure to take that first inhale?

After fifteen years of smoking I can say the addiction never fades. Even with a family member on the slim slope of having  emphysema, it never stops. Sometimes the itch will be within my grasp, to grab that small tiny cigarette and a lighter just to light it. To put it in my mouth and inhale that sweet nectar till it fills my lungs and then to exhale it and feel it leave my body.

Entry #5 The Numbness of Death

Food. The one thing that life itself needs to sustain energy and movement around its surroundings. Some of us can think about when we were children, either in front of a TV or in the theaters itself The Loin King. How in the opening sceen Simba's father talks about the circle of live and Survivor, and how they kill, cook, and eat their food just to survival Earth's natural deffenses. Then we come back to life around us and the modern times.
watching how it's the natural order. Or other may think about the TV show called

I've recently watched a movie called Food Inc., it was quite and eye opener to someone who hasn't been exposed to the depths of modern food. I grew up with uncles who turn  vegetarian and vegan. They used to talk to me about how food is processed and bad for our health. Other times they'll go back to a motive called Faces of Death, which showed different types of deaths around this cruel world but in such an extreme way that it's purpose was to stop vilence. Yet they used this movie only as a purpose of how animals were slaughtered in meat houses. Which came back full circle to Food Inc. and how there is only a handful of slaughter houses in America.

One sceen in the movie was where they pushed a flock of pigs into a box just to electrocute them just enough so they won't feel no pain. Then the cold matchinery will take them on a long journey to the very table we sit and eat them. Corporations try their hardest to prohibit any video recordings of the actual killings of what they call "product". I know from what the small images that I saw made me really think what do I truly eat. That In and Out hamburger I ate the other night, was it walking around in its own feces, was it being fed dead chickens, cows, or corn? But it tastes so good. Has  gluttony taken all our hearts?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Entry #4 Finding the Ghost

A couple years I had the pleasure to run across a webpage that went into very daring details of the movie called Finding Nemo. Within this web page it discussed the movie being a journey of a father looking for his son that had disappeared. Essentially the author said that Nemo had died and through out the entire movie the father would have extreme post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and thinks he sees Nemo.

Then I really sat down and thought about what I read, and came to the conclusion that if Nemo had died would the whole movie be played backwards. That the moment he got swiped away from the ship was the last time he ever saw his father. Also was that the last time his father was sane enough to view the world without any horrors.

In the end I had to think about every Disney movie I had ever saw and think what other stories are they trying to tell us instead of the basic way of thinking and viewing their movies.

Entry #3 Turmoil

The evolution of the human race within the movie called Wall-E, showed humans became so lazy that obese was just the normal thing to be. Every scene where Wall-E was exploring the ship shows tons beyond tons of women and men just too big to even walk. During one scene Wall-E helps in the process of having a male fall from his chair. Even though Wall-E kindness helped him back into his seat, it was a very sad thing to see.

We are in the year 2016 and already they've begun the process of making chairs based off the ones in the movie Wall-E. A little walking or working out never hurt the soul. I can steadily see things become worst, to the point where we will be so plump that we as a culture will turn into a blueberry.

Now it brings me to the portion where Wall-E finds Eva and asks the woman to move aside. In the process her video screen is retracted and she is finally able to see the world for the first time. With her expression it seem like it was a lot longer than anyone can guess. I can only hope that she would begin to see the world for what it is worth instead of some TV screen in front of her eyes.

In the end as humans grow to be lazy we will resemble primitive mammals in their natural form.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Entry #2 Sound of Waves

From the depths of the ocean an earthquake can go unnoticed. The only things that can even understand that is going on is the fish, if they can even comprehend what is going on. Yet higher above on the surf of the ocean the story is something altogether different. With a major quake the waves begin to layer on top of one another until it becomes a force to begin with until it reaches the land of the closes continent. With that my readers is how music can be understood to the lowest note to the highest and most destructive tone. As we transition into a more electronic age, music has been more accessible through diverse stations.

A couple years ago while I was living in Germany I was introduced to Pandora. Over the years her and I have had a love hate relationship. At first it was fun, nights of musical heaven. A never ending time of my life with words of wisdom to lyrics of shattered tears. The one sad day in Afghanistan I got sick of our relationship. The concept of being able to adapt to your liking of music and just have it revolve around that. It had suffered so much that I would spend minutes trying to skip to the next song until I would hit the legal issue of license, that stops you from skipping too much. Hours upon hours you will hear the same song, it would be worst that the commercials you'd hear on the radio.

After my excess of replayed music on Pandora, I was able to venture on a more suitable music station. With the way Spotify worked was that it had premade music lists made that have a small amount of songs that change weekly or bi-weekly. So you won't have to hear the same songs over and over again. Also with the purchase of the premium account your able to listen to full albums on there wonderful network. If you are a workout junkie and like to have music play while on the go, it can even detect the tempo from the rate of speed you run to form tracks to your speed.

I had stumbled upon this music station just from reading a new manga a few weeks ago. It was attached in the credits of a new webtoon that had its own sound track. Through light searching I was able to find out that this site had a huge database of royalty free music. Most of the music is from unknown artist, similar to the homeless people on the corner playing music for some change. Except they don't attach a sign with there music.

As time moves forward, so will music and how people obtain its contents. These two power house streaming stations may dive and be replaced by a more glorious outlet. That can provide us as a culture a more riveting waves of sounds.

Entry #1 The Sea of Blogs

The world of blogs has got so huge that everything you read on the internet can be and will be considered a blog. From Facebook to Snapchat, and even the flying hights of Twitter can all be blogs. Anything really that you can express yourself as an indivual can be consider to what a blog can be. So in my wonderful travels in the sea of the World Wide Web I have found three blogs that I love, hate, and worth having on your list to read.


One of my favorite blogs to read to spice up my hacks in life. One blog was called A Quick Way to Chill Beer In a Hotel Room with No Fridge. I know there has been plenty of times being in the Army when we had to travel in Germany, and some of those hotels had no fridge. So knowing this fun little fact I can cool any type of liquid in a glass bottle. I think I will try a plastic bottle next time I stay in a hotel room.

Ever since I was a young buck growing up, I had learn a couple things about news. Fox lies, E! lies, and TMZ is the devil and to never trust anything they have to report. I had seen clips from time to time and it was never news. All gossip that was fake and belongs with the old run down novellas shows my grandmother used to watch. The way they get the information is also I believe is unethical. One stories that caught my attention while surfing there page was about Ellen Degeneres.

I never really looked too much into The Huffington Post before because I always took what they wrote to be a little vain and satire. Though tonight I felt that lets see what was being reported. First off the bat is if you follow the campaign and love Clinton, this site is for you! It is surrounded with Trump hate information from the top to the bottom of the page.

In the end, as my travels came to a closure I can't help but wonder why do I feel the need to sing Under the Sea when it comes to all these blogs. Though some parts were useful, while others were not really that engaging. All I can say is enjoy your night and enjoy the dive.