A couple years ago while I was living in Germany I was introduced to Pandora. Over the years her and I have had a love hate relationship. At first it was fun, nights of musical heaven. A never ending time of my life with words of wisdom to lyrics of shattered tears. The one sad day in Afghanistan I got sick of our relationship. The concept of being able to adapt to your liking of music and just have it revolve around that. It had suffered so much that I would spend minutes trying to skip to the next song until I would hit the legal issue of license, that stops you from skipping too much. Hours upon hours you will hear the same song, it would be worst that the commercials you'd hear on the radio.
After my excess of replayed music on Pandora, I was able to venture on a more suitable music station. With the way Spotify worked was that it had premade music lists made that have a small amount of songs that change weekly or bi-weekly. So you won't have to hear the same songs over and over again. Also with the purchase of the premium account your able to listen to full albums on there wonderful network. If you are a workout junkie and like to have music play while on the go, it can even detect the tempo from the rate of speed you run to form tracks to your speed.
I had stumbled upon this music station just from reading a new manga a few weeks ago. It was attached in the credits of a new webtoon that had its own sound track. Through light searching I was able to find out that this site had a huge database of royalty free music. Most of the music is from unknown artist, similar to the homeless people on the corner playing music for some change. Except they don't attach a sign with there music.
As time moves forward, so will music and how people obtain its contents. These two power house streaming stations may dive and be replaced by a more glorious outlet. That can provide us as a culture a more riveting waves of sounds.
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