Friday, June 24, 2016

Entry #5 The Numbness of Death

Food. The one thing that life itself needs to sustain energy and movement around its surroundings. Some of us can think about when we were children, either in front of a TV or in the theaters itself The Loin King. How in the opening sceen Simba's father talks about the circle of live and Survivor, and how they kill, cook, and eat their food just to survival Earth's natural deffenses. Then we come back to life around us and the modern times.
watching how it's the natural order. Or other may think about the TV show called

I've recently watched a movie called Food Inc., it was quite and eye opener to someone who hasn't been exposed to the depths of modern food. I grew up with uncles who turn  vegetarian and vegan. They used to talk to me about how food is processed and bad for our health. Other times they'll go back to a motive called Faces of Death, which showed different types of deaths around this cruel world but in such an extreme way that it's purpose was to stop vilence. Yet they used this movie only as a purpose of how animals were slaughtered in meat houses. Which came back full circle to Food Inc. and how there is only a handful of slaughter houses in America.

One sceen in the movie was where they pushed a flock of pigs into a box just to electrocute them just enough so they won't feel no pain. Then the cold matchinery will take them on a long journey to the very table we sit and eat them. Corporations try their hardest to prohibit any video recordings of the actual killings of what they call "product". I know from what the small images that I saw made me really think what do I truly eat. That In and Out hamburger I ate the other night, was it walking around in its own feces, was it being fed dead chickens, cows, or corn? But it tastes so good. Has  gluttony taken all our hearts?

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